Hiking Committee
The Hiking (formerly Outings) Committee organizes general, non-technical events such as hiking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and backpacking trips. We have a very long list of hiking trips. Most hikes occur on weekends, but we do have a tradition of Tuesday hiking trips as well. Check out our
Thanks to the leaders for leading this hike - what beautiful snow-covered scenery and that view of Quabbin was amazing! – Nancy
Thanks to the leaders for leading this hike - what beautiful snow-covered scenery and that view of Quabbin was amazing! – Nancy
Sometimes, in the winter, our "hiking" trips suddenly become "snowshoeing" or "cross-country skiing" trips. Such is life in New England!
We're always looking for trip leaders, especially those with new ideas for trails to hike. If you're interested, please contact our Hiking Chair.
Joining a Hike
Please read the
AMC Trip Policy (PDF) before joining a trip.
Be sure to bring lunch and liquids, bug repellant and sunscreen, and clothing and footwear appropriate to the conditions. When car-pooling, please offer a contribution to the driver for fuel costs.
To find out more about a scheduled hike or to sign up, contact the leader, coordinator, or other person listed for that trip.
Upcoming Activities
Click or tap on the Register links to learn more and/or register for activities.
Sanderson Brook Falls and Overlook
Location: Chester, MA
Date: 29‑Mar‑2025
Register »Join us for a 5 mile hike including
Sanderson Brook Falls and a nearby overlook. The trail to the overlook has some steep sections, most of the hike is moderate. Required Gear: Sturdy hiking shoes or boots, synthetic hiking attire including an extra layer and rain gear if there is a chance of rain. Trekking poles are highly recommended. 1.5-2 liters of water, snacks and lunch.
Bullit Preserve, Chapel Falls and Chapel Ledge
Location: Ashfield, MA
Date: 01‑Apr‑2025
Register »Moderate hike of approximately 5 miles including woods, waterfalls and the Chapel Ledge overlook on Pony Mountain. Weekend rain should make this an especially good time to enjoy the falls!
Womens+ Hike to Tannery Falls
Location: Savoy, MA
Date: 05‑Apr‑2025
Register »Moderate hike of approx. 6 miles with 500-600 ft. elevation gain on the Tannery Trail to Tannery Falls (~70-80 ft. waterfall). We'll take a lunch and photo break at the falls then hike back.
A Woodland Nursery - Journey to a Vernal Pool
Location: Russell, MA
Date: 06‑Apr‑2025
Register »Let's hike through the woods at Noble View Outdoor Center to a special water feature - a vernal pool. These important inland ponds are nurseries for certain woodland creatures. With no inlet or outlet, these temporary water holes are fed by rain and melting snow and often dry up in the summer, making them bereft of fish. So, it is a good place for frogs and salamanders to lay eggs without fear of fish eating them all up.
NET Section 5 & East Mtn WMA Hike
Location: Holyoke, MA
Date: 08‑Apr‑2025
Register »Loop hike on a portion of the New England Trail Section 5, trails behind Holyoke Community College and in East Mountain Wildlife Management Area. Some of the trails are rocky and steep with uneven footing and there may be wet and boggy areas. Hike distance approx 6 miles with elevation gain of 700 feet. Bring snacks, lunch and water.
Mt. Greylock Visitor's Center to Rounds Rock Loop
Location: Lanesborough, MA
Date: 19‑Apr‑2025
Register »Starting from the Visitor's Center, we will climb the Woodeson Spring Trail to the Rounds Rock Trail where we will have lunch at a beautiful view, and return back to the Visitor's Center on the Northrup Trail. We will pass through various forest types and should see lots of wildflowers! Approx. 7 miles.
NH Hikes: North Pack and Pack Monadnock
Location: Peterborough, NH
Date: 26‑Apr‑2025
Register »Summit North Pack and Pack Monadnock out and back from the north. On a clear day enjoy views from both summits with the opportunity to climb the fire tower on Pack Monadnock during lunch. Overall difficulty is intermediate. Approx. 7.5 miles with 2,150 elevation gain, averaging 2 mph with breaks to enjoy viewpoints.
[Women's+ Hike] High Ledges Wildlife Sanctuary and Massaemett Mountain
Location: Shelburne, MA
Date: 18‑May‑2025
Register »Hike is ~6-6.5 miles and includes several overlooks - Beaver Pond and the Shelburne Tower at the summit of Massaemett Mountain. Shelburne Tower features a tall narrow staircase for which headlamps are needed during the day since not all areas get sufficient light from windows. The top offers far views of the northern pioneer valley.
Trail Day WMA: NH Hikes: 52WAV Mount Cube
Location: Wentworth, NH
Date: 07‑Jun‑2025
Register »Hike to Mount Cube out and back on the Appalachian Trail. On the NH 52 list with a view, the summit offers far views of the surrounding mountains. 7.5 miles on mixed terrain, with some steep sections including rock scrambles and approx. 2,800 elevation gain. Average pace of 2 mph with breaks to enjoy viewpoints.
Activity Schedule
All activities are subject to cancellation due to poor weather conditions. Check
activities on outdoors.org for up-to-the-minute additions not yet shown here. Not all activities may be posted yet.