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Chapter Vice Chair

Date: 01‑Nov‑2024 ➢ 31‑Oct‑2026
Activity: chapter officer
Difficulty: N/A
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Looking for the satisfaction of using your skills to help people Be Outdoors in western Massachusetts? Explore chapter governance in this support role, learning about all areas of the AMC Western MA Chapter, its activities, and the AMC organization.
AMC Western MA Chapter welcomes all interested candidates to inquire, and we invite the full participation of all individuals currently underrepresented in the outdoor community. The Chapter Vice Chair supports the Chapter Chair in leading the all-volunteer Chapter Executive Committee to advance the agreed-upon goals and serves for two consecutive years with the expectation that they will move into the Chapter Chair role after the Chair's two-year term. This position also serves as a liaison between the Chapter and the larger organization of AMC-with the Chair, they represent the organization at the local level and are an essential link between the staff, the Board of Directors, and the local Chapter members and volunteers.
Areas that the Vice Chair will, or might be, involved with include:
  • Attends and provides input in monthly Executive Committee meetings
  • Recruitment and nomination process for Executive Committee members
  • Event coordination, including Annual Meeting and Annual Planning Meeting
  • Other projects as agreed upon to advance the Chapter goals
  • Opportunity to attend weekend retreat at AMC property and AMC Summit with Chapter funds
  • Participates on the Chapters Committee (Chairs, Vice Chairs, Regional Directors, and Volunteer Relations staff), including attending meetings and providing input (three regular planning meetings, including two in person, and occasional online meetings due to organizational updates)
  • Coordinates with various Chapter committees as needed
Ongoing orientation is provided by the Chair, Regional Director, and Volunteer Relations staff!
Preferred qualifications:
  • Must be a member of the AMC or become a member before election
  • Organized, good communicator, willing to learn new things, willing to work with a diverse group of individuals; responds promptly to email and voice communications; is a team player
  • Attention to detail while maintaining a broad view of Chapter and AMC goals and needs
  • Access to a computer and some degree of computer proficiency for document management and information flow, or be willing to learn and utilize online resources
  • Enthusiastic promoter of the Chapter and the AMC!
Time commitment: ~5 hours per week.
AMC Western MA Chapter welcomes all interested candidates to inquire, and we invite the full participation of all individuals currently underrepresented in the outdoor community. We look forward to hearing from you at Thank you!
AMC's 12 chapters, run by volunteer Executive Committees, support the organization's mission on the ground by leading trips, offering outdoor skills and leadership training courses, and creating opportunities for conservation action and stewardship at the local level. These dedicated volunteers help activate their communities, often launching people on a path toward greater engagement with AMC's mission of protecting and enjoying the outdoors.

Protect the AT - Maintain the Trail Corridor Boundary

Location: Tyringham, MA
Date: 04‑Apr‑2025
Activity: trail work
Difficulty: N/A
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Enjoy the backstage of the A.T. Visit places no hiker has ever seen. Join us in maintaining the boundary lines of the land corridor that protect the A.T. Work will include finding and clearing the boundary by clipping brush and small trees with hand tools to maintain a line of sight. Pace will be slow, terrain may occasionally be steep. Brush may be heavy. Work will be off-trail often in remote areas. Expect to be in the woods the entire day.
Dress in layers for the expected weather, conditions in April can be highly variable. Wear sturdy shoes and long pants, long sleeves are recommended. Bring work gloves, an extra layer and rain gear. Carry lunch/snack and water to drink. Take precautions against ticks by treating outerwear with permethrin following the manufacturer's instructions. Check for ticks soon after arriving back home.

Protect the AT - Maintain the Trail Corridor Boundary

Location: Tyringham, MA
Date: 05‑Apr‑2025
Activity: trail work
Difficulty: N/A
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Come explore the backstage of the Appalachian Trail. We'll be maintaining the critical boundary lines of the protected land corridor that surrounds the A.T. This off-trail work moves at a slow pace over varied terrain. We'll be clipping brush and painting blazes along the boundary line. Work is off-trail, occasionally in heavy brush and up and down hills. Expect some wet areas, too. Some stooping to clip back brush to maintain a clear line of sight along the boundary. We also refresh yellow blazes on trees with paint which will permanently mark clothing, so don't wear your favorite trail duds.
Do wear sturdy shoes that can get wet and muddy. Long pants required; long sleeves and work gloves recommended. Tools such as loppers are provided or you may bring your own. Dress for weather conditions, weather in April can be extremely variable. Bring lunch/snacks and water to drink. Expect to spend the full day in the woods. Constant rain will cancel.

Warner Hill Brush Clearing

Location: Washington, MA
Date: 05‑Apr‑2025
Activity: conservation
Difficulty: N/A
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The open top of Warner Hill on the Appalachian Trail in Hinsdale, MA is home to some old high bush blueberry shrubs as well as some low blueberries. Every few years we need to cut back other shrubs and small trees growing on the hill top and we need to thin the high bush blueberry shrubs so they will continue to prosper. If you'd like to join Gary and me on this effort please sign up! We'll supply the tools and Gary will show us how to properly thin the high bush blueberry shrubs.
If you have work gloves and hand pruners feel free to bring them along. Good idea to have sun protection and wear long sleeve shirt, pants and sturdy footwear.
As we'll be out all day please come prepared with snacks/lunch, water and a rain coat would be a good idea should we have a stray shower. It's about 0.7 miles hike from the trailhead parking area along the A.T. to the work site. Hope you can join us!

[20s&30s] AT Trail Corridor Boundary Work in Tyringham

Location: Tyringham, MA
Date: 06‑Apr‑2025
Activity: trail work
Difficulty: N/A
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[Affinity - 20s/30s] This trip encourages participation by those in their 20s and 30s though all are welcome. Enjoy the backstage of the A.T. Visit places no hiker has ever seen. Join us in maintaining the boundary lines of the land corridor that protect the A.T. Work will include finding and clearing the boundary by clipping brush and small trees with hand tools to maintain a line of sight, and painting yellow blazes on trees to demarcate the boundary. Pace will be slow, terrain includes steep sections, and may be wet, muddy, or rocky. Brush may be heavy. Work will be off-trail, often in remote areas. Expect to be in the woods the entire day.
Do wear sturdy shoes that can get wet and muddy. Long pants required; long sleeves and work gloves recommended. Our boundary paint will permanently mark clothing so don't wear your favorite trail clothes if you'd like to paint. Tools such as loppers are provided or you may bring your own.
Dress for weather conditions. Weather in April can be extremely variable. Bring lunch/snacks and water to drink. Expect to spend the full day in the woods. Take precautions against ticks by treating outerwear with permethrin following the manufacturer's instructions. Check for ticks soon after arriving back home. Constant rain will cancel.

Wildlife Transect, Tyringham Main Rd / Hop Brook Area

Location: Tyringham, MA
Date: 12‑Apr‑2025
Activity: conservation
Difficulty: N/A
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Our wildlife transect will take us to the Hop Brook area where the A.T. crosses Tyringham Main Rd. We will briefly take another look in the area just trail north of Main Rd where fresh moose sign and a deer kill site were spotted earlier this winter. Most of our transect will be south of Main Rd in the Hop Brook valley area.
We will be out all day so dress for the weather (bad weather cancels). Bring lunch/snacks and water to drink. No experience necessary, pace is slow, mostly off-trail. If you have muck boots good idea to bring them as the river valley is usually pretty wet this time of year.

A.T. Tyringham Cobble Joint Work Day

Location: Tyringham, MA
Date: 03‑May‑2025
Activity: trail work
Difficulty: N/A
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Join in with local volunteers to maintain the A.T. as it traverses iconic viewpoints on Tyringham Cobble. We'll clip brush and maintain open areas. Possibly carry in and construct bog bridges.
Moderate 2-3 mile hiking clearing areas as we go. Stooping, bending and dragging cut brush. Work with hand tools and battery powered tools as needed. Dress for the weather (early May can be capricious), wear sturdy shoes bring lunch/snacks, and water to drink. Bring work gloves. Take precautions against ticks by treating outerwear with permethrin following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Protect the AT - Maintain the Trail Corridor Boundary

Location: Tyringham, MA
Date: 05‑May‑2025
Activity: trail work
Difficulty: N/A
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Enjoy the backstage of the A.T. Visit places no hiker has ever seen. Join us in maintaining the boundary lines of the land corridor that protect the A.T. We will be working between Fernside Rd and the Beartown State Forest boundary. Work will include finding and clearing the boundary by clipping brush and small trees with hand tools to maintain a line of sight, and painting yellow blazes along the boundary. Pace will be slow, terrain will include steep sections, and brush may be heavy. Work will be off-trail often in remote areas. Expect to be in the woods the entire day.
Dress in layers for the expected weather. Wear sturdy shoes and long pants. Long sleeves are recommended. Bring work gloves, an extra layer and rain gear. Note for those who choose to paint that the yellow boundary paint cannot be removed from clothing, so don't wear your best trail duds. Carry lunch/snack and plenty of water to drink. Take precautions against ticks by treating outerwear with permethrin following the manufacturer's instructions. Check for ticks soon after arriving back home.

Protect the AT - Maintain the Trail Corridor Boundary

Location: Tyringham, MA
Date: 06‑May‑2025
Activity: trail work
Difficulty: N/A
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Enjoy the backstage of the A.T. Visit places no hiker has ever seen. Join us in maintaining the boundary lines of the land corridor that protect the A.T. We will be working between Fernside Rd and the Beartown State Forest boundary. Work will include finding and clearing the boundary by clipping brush and small trees with hand tools to maintain a line of sight, and painting yellow blazes along the boundary. Pace will be slow, terrain will include steep sections, and brush may be heavy. Work will be off-trail often in remote areas. Expect to be in the woods the entire day.
Dress in layers for the expected weather. Wear sturdy shoes and long pants. Long sleeves are recommended. Bring work gloves, an extra layer and rain gear. Note for those who choose to paint that the yellow boundary paint cannot be removed from clothing, so don't wear your best trail duds. Carry lunch/snack and plenty of water to drink. Take precautions against ticks by treating outerwear with permethrin following the manufacturer's instructions. Check for ticks soon after arriving back home.

Invasives Management, Jug End Area

Location: Egremont, MA
Date: 06‑May‑2025
Activity: trail work
Difficulty: N/A
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We will be addressing invasive plants in the Jug End area, cutting and hand pulling, using hand tools. Stooping and carrying cut brush. Pace is slow, terrain easy to moderate.
Dress for the weather, wear sturdy shoes bring lunch/snacks, and water to drink. Recommended to take precautions against ticks by treating outerwear with permethrin following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Protect the AT - Maintain the Trail Corridor Boundary

Location: North Adams, MA
Date: 07‑May‑2025
Activity: trail work
Difficulty: N/A
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Enjoy the backstage of the A.T. Visit places no hiker has ever seen. Join us in maintaining the boundary lines of the land corridor that protect the A.T. We will be working in North Adams between Phelps Ave and Pattison Rd. Work will include finding and clearing the boundary by clipping brush and small trees with hand tools to maintain a line of sight. Pace will be slow, terrain may occasionally be steep, wet, or rocky. Brush may be heavy. Work will be off-trail, often in remote areas. Expect to be in the woods the entire day.
Do wear sturdy shoes that can get wet and muddy. Long pants required; long sleeves and work gloves recommended. Tools such as loppers are provided or you may bring your own. Dress for weather conditions. Bring lunch/snacks and plenty of water to drink. Expect to spend the full day in the woods. Take precautions against ticks by treating outerwear with permethrin following the manufacturer's instructions. Check for ticks soon after arriving back home. Constant rain will cancel.

Upper Goose Pond Cabin Maintenance Day

Location: Lee, MA
Date: 10‑May‑2025
Activity: trail work
Difficulty: N/A
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We will perform annual maintenance in anticipation of the cabin opening for the season. Work will include light carpentry, some digging in rocky soil, cutting brush and servicing moldering privies. Short moderate hike to worksite. Dress for the weather, wear sturdy shoes bring lunch/snacks, and water to drink. Work gloves are recommended.

Open Upper Goose Pond Cabin

Location: Lee, MA
Date: 11‑May‑2025
Activity: trail work
Difficulty: N/A
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Open this iconic A.T. hiker stop for the season. We'll take down the shutters, sweep and clean, set up the outdoor kitchen area, post the "Cabin Open" sign and other tasks to get this beloved place ready for another season.
Some materials and supplies will arrive by boat. Some carrying up a short, steep hill. Approximately 1/2 mile hike to work area. Meeting place is on a gated unimproved road. If you are running late, contact the leader.
Dress for the expected weather conditions (the Cabin is unheated, and some work will be outdoors). Wear sturdy shoes, bring lunch/snacks and water to drink. We should be wrapping up around 2 PM.

Anchoring Hop Brook Bridge

Location: Tyringham, MA
Date: 13‑May‑2025
Activity: trail work
Difficulty: N/A
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Hop Brook Bridge is falling into the stream. We need to secure it for 2-3 years until Federal monies are available for replacement. We will hammer two 10ft long pipes into the ground to anchor the south end of the bridge and attach the bridge to the anchors with chains. We may also raise the low end of the bridge. We must carry heavy materials and tools approx 1/2 mile on easy trail from the parking area.
Work area is brushy and thorny, and may be muddy. This is an open area, so sun protection is recommended. Dress for the weather, wear sturdy shoes bring lunch/snacks, and water to drink. Work gloves are recommended.

Replace & Reset Bog Bridges

Location: Monterey, MA
Date: 10‑Jun‑2025
Activity: trail work
Difficulty: N/A
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We will reset wobbly bog bridges and replace any that are failing in the swampy area immediately south of Blue Hill Rd. Conditions will be muddy, if not downright wet. Dress for expected weather conditions.
Consider waterproof footwear. Work gloves recommended. Bring lunch/snack and water to drink. Work will involve stooping, bending and carrying sometimes heavy materials. Working with hand tools. Short, easy walk to work site.

Privy Moves - Maintaining Privies at AT Campsites

Location: Lee, MA
Date: 21‑Jun‑2025
Activity: trail work
Difficulty: N/A
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We will be moving the privies at Shaker Campsite and Wilcox South Campsite to new locations. Work involves digging with hand tools and lifting and moving the outhouse several feet to a new site. Work may involve incidental contact with human waste. We will start at Shaker Campsite, approx 1/2 mile down hill from the meeting location. Upon completion, we will drive approx 30 mins to the access to Wilcox South Shelter, and hike another 1/2 mile down hill to that work site.
Dress for the expected weather, wear sturdy shoes. Bring work gloves, lunch/snack and water to drink. Note that the meeting location says Jerusalem Rd, it's really Fernside Rd. The map and Lon/Lat are correct.
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