What's New on the Western MA Website
See what's new on the chapter website here. These are items that are not necessarily announced elsewhere, such as new pages, widgets, initiatives, and site improvements.
Member Favorites: Winter Trails
[29‑Dec‑2024] Favorite winter trails in western MA,
compiled by Jeannette Pierce, Western MA Chapter Communications Chair.
New Logo, New Colors!
[28‑Sep‑2024] We've updated our website to reflect AMC's new logo and colors.
[28‑Sep‑2024] News, events, and regulations relative to conservation in western MA.
ExCom Favorites
[01‑Sep‑2024] Favorite spaces in western MA, compiled by the Western MA Executive Committee.
Member Favorites: Accessible Trails
[29‑Jul‑2024] Favorite accessible trails in western MA, compiled by the Western MA Communications Committee.
Member Favorites: Bicycling
[01‑Jun‑2024] Favorite guided routes to bike in western MA, compiled by the Western MA Bicycling Committee.
River Cleanup Initiative
[22‑Apr‑2024] In recent years, the Western MA Chapter's Conservation Committee has collaborated with the Westfield River Watershed Association in their twice-yearly waterfront cleanup events. Since 2020, we have removed over two tons of material from the area of the West Springfield levee in West Springfield, MA.
Member Favorites
[22‑Mar‑2024] Interactive maps of favorite outdoor destinations compiled by our members.
Send us your list and we'll make an interactive map from it!
Pathfinders: AMC Women in the Outdoors
[08‑Mar‑2024] Women's History Month commemorates and encourages the study, observance, and celebration of the vital role women have played in American history. Here we celebrate our own AMC women as they forged ahead with outdoor pursuits in the early 20th century.
Who Did This?
[03‑Mar‑2024] Test your knowledge of wildlife signs with our newest interactive quiz!
Walking the NET
[08‑Feb‑2024] Join Patrick Henry, NET Section 5 Trail Adopter, as he walks the New England Trail (NET) - now a national scenic trail - in the Pioneer Valley.
Black Heritage Trail
[01‑Feb‑2024] February is Black History Month. Learn more about the self-guided, Black Heritage Trail, a 1.6 mile walk through the heart of Boston's Beacon Hill neighborhood in this interactive map.
Chapter Timeline
[28‑Nov‑2023] Visit our newest page - a timeline of chapter events going back more than 90 years.
National American Indian Heritage Month
[28‑Oct‑2023] Celebrate and recognize the accomplishments of the original inhabitants, explorers, and settlers of the land now called the United States with this new interactive map.
New Media Albums
[12‑Oct‑2023] See our new media albums for FallFest 2023 and the Tuesday Hikers, now available in our gallery.
Online Newsletter
[28‑Aug‑2023] Visit our newest page - an online newsletter named after the historic Berkshire Exchange - for chapter news, committee reports, articles, and other items of interest.
Invasive Species Removal
[13‑Aug‑2023] View our most recent addition to the initiatives page: Invasive Species Removal.
Pit Privy Replacements
[02‑Aug‑2023] View our most recent addition to the initiatives page: Pit Privy Replacements.
Families Outdoors
[02‑Aug‑2023] Our all-inclusive programming makes planning family outings and vacations easy.
Beginner Resources
[22‑Jul‑2023] What stands between an outdoor enthusiast and engaging in a new activity? Knowledge? Fitness? Gear? We've rounded up some expert advice that helps you go from obstacles to action.
Participant Comments
[12‑Jul‑2023] Quotes from participants who take part in our activities.
Volunteer Appreciation
[15‑Jun‑2023] The AMC could not function without its thousands of volunteers, from Executive Committee members in each chapter, to activity leaders, trail maintainers, and conservation advocates. Here is a start on
a very long list of volunteers who make our chapter great!
National Trails Day 2023
[03‑Jun‑2023] National Trails Day occurs on the first Saturday in June and recognizes the benefits federal, state and local trails provide for recreation and exposure to nature. Events held throughout the U.S. help promote awareness of the wide variety of services the trails systems offer. Use our interactive map to learn more about National Trails Day events in and around Massachusetts in 2023 and how you can participate.
Earth Day
[22‑Apr‑2023] Earth Day is an annual celebration that honors the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of the need to protect Earth's natural resources for future generations. Test your knowledge of Earth Day with our interactive quiz!
Committee Media Albums
[21‑Apr‑2023] Committees now have media albums for photos and videos. Visit our gallery and click on the album covers to access.
Sustainability in the Tyringham Valley
[04‑Apr‑2023] The A.T. Management Committee's Tyringham Valley Project fosters AMC's goal of adapting to climate change while protecting a wide variety of local plant life and wildlife.
Noble View Outdoor Center: Places of Interest
[28‑Mar‑2023] View our interactive map of Noble View Outdoor Center to find trails, photographs, and historical information.
Noble View Outdoor Center
[26‑Mar‑2023] Elevated at nearly 1,100 feet above the Connecticut River Valley, AMC's Noble View Outdoor Center in Russell, MA provides spectacular views of cities, towns, and countryside. Our new page describes accommodations, trails, and a bit of the history of this scenic property.
Volunteer Activities
[23‑Mar‑2023] This new page under the Volunteer navigation button shows upcoming volunteer activities from our committees.
Natural & Cultural Resources Along the Appalachian Trail
[21‑Mar‑2023] The Western MA A.T. Management Committee runs a robust program to catalog, monitor, and manage natural and cultural resources on A.T. trail lands in Massachusetts.
How Long Does It Take?
[02‑Mar‑2023] Do you know how long it takes everyday materials to decompose in the outdoors? Take our 10-question quiz and find out!
Western MA Chapter Website
[16‑Feb‑2023] Everything is new!