
We can and should be the voice for conserving the natural treasures that surround us.

We can and should be the voice for conserving the natural treasures that surround us.

The Western MA Chapter's territory includes some of the finest scenery in the state:

But with these wondrous blessings comes the responsibility to steward it thoughtfully.

News and Events

Recent news and events relative to conservation in Massachusetts. View all here.

The 30x30 Campaign to Save Nature

[20‑Feb‑2025] Have you heard the term 30x30? As time ticks on toward the benchmark year of 2030, here's what you need to know about the international movement to mitigate climate change and biodiversity decline, and AMC's role in this important conservation initiative.

MassDOT to Build Wildlife Bridge Over Mass Pike

[12‑Jan‑2025] The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has been awarded $1.7 million to replace an existing bridge crossing in Becket where the Appalachian Trail (A.T.) intersects the highway. This new bridge will offer separate and distinct areas for wildlife, pedestrians and hikers to safely cross the Mass Pike, in an area that sees a high number of collisions between drivers and deer. The AMC Western MA Chapter's A.T. Management Committee has been involved in this project for over a year.

Healey-Driscoll Administration Awards $5 Million for Protection of Forest Reserves

[06‑Dec‑2024] Ten land trust organizations or municipalities have been awarded over $5 million in grants to protect forest land through the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs' (EEA) Acquisitions for Forest Reserves Grant Program. The protected land will allow the forests that occupy them to mature, thereby strengthening how these habitats store carbon.

MA Regulatory Climate

Recent regulatory information relative to conservation in Massachusetts. View all here.

Bill H. 3581: An Act Promoting Nature-based Approaches for Resiliency and Climate Change Adaptation Throughout the Commonwealth

[21‑Nov‑2024] This legislation will accelerate clean energy development, improve energy affordability, create an equitable infrastructure siting process, allow for multistate clean energy procurements, promote non-gas heating, expand access to electric vehicles and create jobs and support workers throughout the energy transition.

Bill H.825: An Act Relative to Pesticides

[05‑Mar‑2023] This legislation would monitor and reduce the use of Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides in Massachusetts to protect wildlife and pets.

Bill H.864: An Act Relative to Clean Lakes and Waterways in the Commonwealth

[16‑Feb‑2023] This bill would establish a special commission to study and determine the maintenance and upkeep needs of lakes, ponds, streams and other public waterways in the commonwealth.

Join Us!

AMC is actively engaged in conservation and research from Maine to Virginia, helping to ensure the future enjoyment of the outdoors for all. Our approach to conservation combines science, advocacy, and on-the-ground protection of land and trails.

If you'd like to work with us to conserve our natural treasures, please consider joining the Conservation Committee. We need volunteers who can help with:

  • Reporting: Investigate and write stories on conservation-related matters in western Massachuetts; monitor current events and inform about upcoming activities.
  • Event Planning: Help plan and/or partipate in events, such as webinars, tabling, speaking engagements, demonstrations, conservation activities, etc.
  • Research: Keep up with legistative matters – such as pending bills – and summarize issues for the general public.
  • Advocacy: Work with decision makers, federal and state agencies, and a wide range of non-governmental partners to protect the outdoors.
  • Trail Stewardship: Contribute time and energy to our A.T. Management and NET Management trail committees (volunteer positions include natural heritage and corridor monitors, trail maintainers, committee officers, and coordinators)

Even a small amount of volunteer time each month can go a long way!

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