Contact Us
For security purposes, we've replaced the period(s) in all email addresses with the word DOT. You will have to replace the word DOT with a period when emailing.
Title/Affiliation | Name | Duties | |
General Inquiries | Western MA Chapter | info@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Chair | Kathy Martin | chair@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Past-Chair | Diane Jones | past-chair@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Co-Treasurer | Debra Weisenstein | treasurer@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Co-Treasurer | Warren Buhl | treasurer@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Secretary | Mary Hogan | secretary@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Chapter Trips Approver | Kathy Martin | approver@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Chair, 20s/30s Committee | Matthew Hart | 20s-30s@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Chair, AT Committee | Russ Skelton | at@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Chair, Bicycling Committee | Janine Papesh | bicycling@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Chair, Communications Committee | Jeannette Pierce | communications@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Chair, Conservation Committee | Megan Logan | conservation@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Chair, Family Programs Committee | Laura Stinnette | familyprograms@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Chair, Hiking Committee | Mike April | hiking@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Chair, DEI Committee | Dawne Piers-Gamble | WesternMassJDEI@gmailDOTcom | |
Chair, Membership Committee | Kathy Kindness | membership@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Chair, Mountaineering Committee | Chris Neil | mountaineering@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Chair, New England Trail Committee | Kevin Pelosky | net@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Chair, Nominating Committee | Diane Jones | nominating@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Co-Chair, Paddling Committee | Debra Weisenstein | paddling@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Co-Chair, Paddling Committee | Bonna Wieler | paddling@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Chair, Training and Education Committee | Kayla Crowe | training@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Member At Large | Kim Carlino | memberlarge-01@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Member At Large | John Adams | memberlarge-02@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Webmaster | Lisa Taylor | webmaster@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
Tuesday Hiking | Mary Moriarty | mmoriarty@crockerDOTcom | |
AMC Regional Director, Central | Charlie Arsenault | regionaldirector@amc-wmaDOTorg | |
AMC Volunteer Relations Manager | Meighan Matthews | MMatthews@outdoorsDOTorg | |