Massachusetts Regulations: Climate
Greenhouse Gasses
An Act Creating a Next-Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy
Bill S.9 | 192nd General Court (2021-2022)
This Act amends the state's Global Warming Solutions Act and directs state agencies to set interim economy-wide greenhouse gas emission limits for certain sectors every five years. It codifies the state's long-term emissions limit of net-zero emissions by 2050 and directs the adoption of 2030 and 2040 emissions limits of at least 50% and 75%, respectively, below 1990 levels. The Act also increases Renewable Portfolio Standard requirements, directs the creation of a municipal opt-in energy building code, addresses environmental justice protections, and directs the procurement of an additional 2,400 megawatts of offshore wind by 2027. Bill S.9 | 192nd General Court (2021-2022)
Resiliency and Climate Change Adaptation
An Act Promoting Nature-based Approaches for Resiliency and Climate Change Adaptation Throughout the Commonwealth
Bill H. 3581 | 193rd General Court
This legislation will accelerate clean energy development, improve energy affordability, create an equitable infrastructure siting process, allow for multistate clean energy procurements, promote non-gas heating, expand access to electric vehicles and create jobs and support workers throughout the energy transition. Bill H. 3581 | 193rd General Court
Slow, Stop, and Reverse the Loss of Natural and Working Lands Carbon
An Act to Sustain Natural and Working Lands Carbon in Communities
Bill S.2235 | 192nd General Court (2021-2022)
Massachusetts's natural and workings lands (NWL) are currently absorbing more carbon than they emit, and their protection from permanent conversion to non-NWL uses is crucial to the administration's climate strategy. Massachusetts is losing several thousand acres of NWL, particularly forests, each year, threatening the essential role of these lands as a net carbon sink and provider of key ecosystem services. Bill S.2235 | 192nd General Court (2021-2022)
Conservation Research Advocacy