Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The AMC Western MA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee is deeply troubled and saddened by the all too frequent acts of violence and hate perpetrated on communities that have been and may continue to be marginalized and underrepresented in the U.S. Especially poignant and concerning is that these acts are regularly in places of recreation that are presumed to be safe by those communities.

Join our biweekly meeting or self-subscribe to the DEI mailing list to connect with us and find out how you can contribute. Email the DEI Steering Committee to communicate directly.

In June of 2020, AMC took a public position against racism and racist violence, and to stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter.

The DEI Committee condemns all acts of brutality and oppression, and as we reflect on these reprehensible acts, we recommit ourselves to AMC's goal, "To be an inclusive, equitable, and kind community...where we are united in our activities by mutual trust, collective safety, respect for the natural world, and appreciation for our time together outdoors."

The members of the DEI Committee are committed to making outdoor recreational spaces in western Massachusetts accessible, safe and inviting to all people. We are working fervently to determine and eradicate barriers that inhibit equitable participation. We desire to bring outdoor activities to diverse populations by finding ways to meet people where they are.

Get Involved

If you would like to participate, join our monthly meetings or self-subscribe to the DEI mailing list so you can stay connected and find out ways you can contribute. To communicate directly with us, email the Western MA DEI Committee.

Ongoing Action Items

To support and hone DEI training and feedback for all AMC leaders, so as to foster and support an equitable, safe and inclusive environment for all participants. Please see AMC's DEI Resource Guide (PDF), the DEI Common Language Guide (PDF), and our Code of Conduct (PDF) for more information.
To jump start community interest and engagement in the outdoors, to remove barriers and demonstrate what AMC Western MA has to offer through membership tabling and activities planned at local community events, with broad community based communication about what AMC is all about.
To build new and strengthen existing partnerships within the AMC Western MA committees and outside organizations that will help us reach more diverse groups and break down barriers to participation.
To engage and support training of diverse folks interested in becoming AMC volunteer leaders for Hiking / Backpacking, Climbing, Paddling, Biking or Family Programs, through the Western MA Chapter’s annual leadership training and sponsorship.
To support the DEI Speaker Series with its stated goal: To bring forward authentic voices that can raise awareness about the truth of what people are experiencing in the outdoors and with AMC specifically. It is also a forum for DEI activism in the outdoors to be amplified, so as to encourage action in AMC. The speaker series labeled as DEI maintains a space for voices that have been marginalized or underrepresented; it is a signal of AMC’s commitment to DEI and change.) and provide links and resources that raise awareness about DEI concerns and offer actionable ways to bring about change.
To develop a feedback system where all activity participants have the opportunity to respond candidly about their experiences with Western MA AMC staff / volunteer-led activities, so as to promote both physical and emotional safety and eliminate impediments to full participation.
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