Committee Reports

November 2023
See what our committees have been up to over the last couple of months.

A.T. Management

Most recent A.T. Committee meeting: 2023-Nov-06 Next A.T. Committee meeting: 2024-01-09 Wildlife transects and corridor monitoring - ongoing Hazardous trees removed at several overnight sites Annual volunteer recognition gathering scheduled for 2024-Jan-27 at Lee Middle/High School (9:00 AM) Lisa Taylor has agreed to be our new Secretary 2024 season will include 2 Greenagers projects Volunteer recruitment needs: natural heritage monitors, corridor monitors, shelter coordinator


Attended the Western MA Chapter's Annual Business Meeting on behalf of the Bicycling Committee (2023-Nov-02) Bicycling budget was approved for 2024 (2023-Nov-13) By the end of January, will have reached out to bike trip leaders to begin planning for the 2024 season By mid-March, will have a draft calendar of early spring rides on the AMC Western MA Chapter's Bicycling web page and listings on ActDB


Facebook: 19 posts (top post: Story Walk at Noble View promotion – reach: 992 accounts) Instagram: 18 posts (top post: Tuesday hiking trip in Northfield on 2024-Nov-18 – reach: 228 accounts) Newsletters: 1406 messages sent Website: Created draft flip book "Walking the NET in the Pioneer Valley" with Pat Henry (in review); created National American Indian Heritage Month interactive map; created Western MA timeline; consolidated ExCom volunteer positions with activities; created MVL slideshow; conducted semi-annual maintenance

Family Programs

Had a successful Natural Holiday Decorations Workshop at Noble View, with a great turn out of local folks and a contingent of students from URI who were staying in the cabins New StoryWalks® installed in collaboration with the Hilltown Family Center were The Apple Pie Tree (October), We Are Grateful (November), and The Mitten (December). StoryWalks® are found on the Link Trail at Noble View Outdoor Center Research started to make more substantial signage for the StoryWalk®, similar to AMC Cardigan Lodge Met with AMC Volunteer Relations representative and other FallFest volunteers to follow up on the FallFest 2023 successes and ideas for improvement Represented Family Programming at Western MA Annual Meeting The Family Programs schedule for Winter and Spring 2024 is nearly complete. Planning continues for new and ongoing collaborations and initiatives


Trips: 10/01 Riverwalk with Alice; 10/03 NET with Debi; 10/06 thru 10/08 Women's weekend hikes with Dawne and Kathy; 10/10 Anniversary Hike with Peggy; 10/17 Mt. Monadnock with Margot; 10/24 Mt. Tom with Patty; 10/31 Granville State Forest with Kathy; 11/07 Mt Toby with Dave; 11/14 NET with Debi; 11/21 Noble View, planned by Laura and led by Kathy and Dave; 11/28 Pittsfield State Forest with Trish; 12/02 DAR State Forest with Margot; 12/05 Monument Mountain with Debi; 12/12 Horse Mountain with Jan Recent activity and plans: Welcomed Debi Garlick as new Hiking Chair in December


Previous meeting: 2023-09-26; next meeting: 2024-Feb-06 Deb attended NH Paddling Committee annual meeting on Nov 5 as we collaborate with this chapter on whitewater instruction trips Deb joined NH Canoeing Subcommittee to plan and assist with a 2-day moving water canoe instruction event in April. That subcommittee is focused on skills needed for wilderness canoe tripping and will offer additional skill-building trips In need of more paddle leaders and committee members Planning continues for 2024 whitewater and flatware paddling events

Training and Education

Training completed: In-Person Training (2023-Oct-15) and two Applications (role plays) days (2023-Nov-12 and 2023-Nov-18) Completed 7 new leader candidates Approved new member of the committee (Kayla Crowe) Invited to OLDC Chapter Leadership/Education Chair Meeting scheduled for 2023-Dec-14 Reviewed changes/updates to WFA courses: 2024 options are SOLO and WFR Facilitating MHFA training at AMC's 148th Annual Summit
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