Winter is Here!

Monthly Chapter Message
Cross country skiers on the trail
Cross country skiing at Notchview. Photo credit: Jeannette Pierce.
Cross country skiers on the trail
Cross country skiing at Notchview. Photo credit: Jeannette Pierce.
Pinch me. Since becoming more involved in AMC, and our local chapter, I've been having experiences that I wouldn't otherwise. I get to: support the inspired and dedicated Committee Chairs on the Executive Committee as they keep the vibrant AMC offerings going in our area; explore all kinds of trails and landscapes in western MA and AMC destinations, and lead others into these adventures; be excited to attend the Annual Summit in January and enjoy current and new connections; get involved and give input on AMC-wide initiatives; to learn more about the opportunities and impact of this beloved organization that has pulled me in since around 1989. I just led a hike today with a passionate group that came together to make it all about being outdoors in community. Find all that anywhere else? Actually, you can find it all as you read on and jump in. It's opened up worlds for me. See you outside! Diane Jones, Western MA Chapter Chair

Welcome New Executive Committee Members!

Share your passion and skills with us
We'd like to warmly welcome the new members of the Western Massachusetts Chapter Executive Committee that have been recently voted in. Kathy Martin, our former Hiking Chair, has transitioned into her new role as Vice Chair; Debi Garlick has jumped in as our new Hiking Chair, having previous experience in the Worcester Chapter; and Sue West is embarking on a new adventure as a Member-at-large. Kathy, Debi, and Sue are bringing many years of experience in outdoor adventure, conservation, and volunteering, and we are thrilled that they have chosen to share their passion and skills with us.
If you are interested in sharing your love of the outdoors with us, please consider joining our Executive Committee. We currently have the following positions open: Secretary, Membership Chair and Conservation Chair. Go to Volunteer Activities on our website to see the role descriptions, as well as other volunteer opportunities, and come join our team! Explore these opportunities and get to know us by contacting us at

148th Annual AMC Summit in January

January 20, 2024
There's still time to register for the AMC Annual Summit at the Four Points Sheraton in Norwood on January 20, 2024.
Get ready for a day of fun learning experiences across four tracks - Volunteer Leadership, Conservation and Research, DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), and AMC Updates. This one-day event will feature a full schedule of workshops, a delicious lunch, a social hour, and an annual business meeting for members. Financial assistance is available for those who wish to attend but face financial obstacles. Lodging is available at the Four Points. Click here for details and to register. We hope to see you there!

Exciting New Winter Activities Coming Up!

Join us for cross-country skiing and winter hiking
Winter is here and we have some exciting, new activities on the schedule. If you are interested in cross-country skiing, sign up for our outing on January 24th at Notchview in Cummington, or you can challenge yourself with our winter hike on Mt. Ascutney in Vermont on January 18th. The Mt. Ascutney hike is one of four winter mountain summit hikes being led by Paul Glazebrook, a retired Maine Guide and an experienced four-season upcountry trips leader in hiking, backpacking, and wilderness canoeing. The other three events in our winter mountain summit hikes series are: Mt. Cube on February 18, 2023 (4.5 miles/1,500 feet of elevation), Mt. Monadnock in March 2024 (5.2 miles/1,800 feet of elevation), and Mt. Moosilauke in April 2024 (8.0 miles/3,200 feet of elevation). Go to our Chapter Activities for details on these events, and all upcoming outings.
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