Town of Lee A.T. Designation Ceremony

June 17, 2023
The Appalachian Trail Community designation application is a lengthy process that is submitted to the Appalachian Trail Committee (ATC) by the application committee within the town or city and then voted on by the Regional ATC Chapter following a presentation and review. Lee was approved in March by the New England Regional Committee and the designation proclamation is occurring at the ceremony in Lee on June 17, 2023. The AMC Western MA Chapter is one of the partnering organizations in this project, along with the Department of Conservation and Recreation, the Lee Land Trust, Lee Greener Greenway and The Massachusetts Appalachian Trail Management Committee.
We congratulate Lee on receiving this designation and invite you to join in the ceremony. You can also join us for AMC’s Appalachian Trail Community hike to Upper Goose Pond on June 24, 2023.
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